The Battle Of Britain by James Holland

The Battle of Britain

The Battle of Britain: Five Months That Changed History: May-October 1940

959 pages

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The same day, the US Ambassador, Joe Kennedy, saw Lord Halifax at the Foreign Office, and congratulated him on being in the new Cabinet. Confidentially, I wish I weren’t, Joe, Halifax told him. The Foreign Secretary was critical of those who had deserted Chamberlain. Kennedy then interrupted him, pointing out that Britain’s real problem was not politics but a shortage of aircraft, plain and simple. The lack of them, he argued, threw everything else out of balance and made it impossible for her to wage a modern war. Halifax did not disagree. He then asked Kennedy if he thought it would be a short war. Definitely, Kennedy told him. – location 2064-2068

well it might have been. Ever since Spain, it had been one-way – location 6695-6695

Contributing to that success was the Luftwaffe, a large aerial force that had developed tactics and methods of directly supporting the ground troops in a way that no other nation had considered at that time. And it succeeded because the French crumbled so badly. Operationally, tactically and strategically, the French had been woeful. Their leadership was too old, too dated. Morale was poor and they made lots and lots of really bad mistakes. On paper, Germany should never have won. Location 10887-10890 – location 10887-10890

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